Vehicle Insurance

Insurance is beneficial for protecting vehicles from the risk of loss due to accidents or theft (either some parts of the car/entirely) or other incidents as long as they comply with the terms stated in the insurance policy.

Types of Insurance
Comprehensive/All Risk

Covers losses resulting from major or minor accidents or the loss of a vehicle or additional equipment due to forceful actions/destruction (reimbursement for damages to motor vehicles from all risks except those excluded by the policy).

Total Loss Only (TLO)

Covers losses due to loss or accidents with a minimum damage of 75% of the insured vehicle's value.

Insurance Extensions
  • RSCC (Riot, Strike, Civil Commotion)  
    Provides coverage for damages caused by Riots, Strikes, Civil Commotions.  

  • FLOOD   
    Provides coverage for damages caused by floods.

  • EQVET (Earthquake, Vulcanic Eruption, Tsunami)   
    Provides coverage for damages caused by Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis.

    Insures against the risks of terrorism and sabotage

  • TPL (Third Party Liability)   
    Legal Liability towards Third Parties.

  • PA (Personal Accident)   
    Driver and/or Passenger's Personal Accident.

Insurance Claims

Insurance claim is a process where policyholders request payment or compensation from the insurance company for financial losses covered by the insurance policy.

  • Partial Loss Claim
    It is a partial loss or damage to the car that is smaller than the insured value, only for those who have purchased comprehensive car insurance coverage. 

  • Total Loss Claim (CTL) / Damage Above 75% of the Sum Insured   
    A CTL (Construction Total Loss) claim is caused by an accident where the repair cost is equal to or greater than the actual price of the motor vehicle just before the accident.

  • Stolen Claim
    It is a claim arising from the malicious act of others or theft, including theft preceded, accompanied, or followed by violence or threats of violence to people and/or insured motor vehicles, with the aim of facilitating vehicle theft.

Insurance Claim Documents
  1. Partial Claim Documents.  

    • Submission no later than 5 (five) days from the date of the incident.

    • Original vehicle registration (STNK) with valid tax.

    • Copy of driver's license (SIM) with valid period.

    • Copy of the insured's ID card.

    • Claim form (available at the Insurance Company Office or Insurance Company's partner workshop).

    • Police report letter if there is a criminal element (e.g., car radio stolen). 

  2. CTL and Stolen Claim Documents

    CTL Claim Stolen Claim

    Stolen Claim

    1) Submission at the latest 5 (five) days from the date of the incident. 1) Submission at the latest 5 (five) days from the date of the incident. 
    2) Original vehicle registration (STNK) (if lost, must have a Police Report Letter) with valid tax. 2) Original vehicle registration (STNK) (if lost, must have a Police Report Letter) with valid tax. 
    3) Copy of driver's license (SIM) with valid period.3) Copy of driver's license (SIM) with valid period.
    4) Copy of the insured's ID card.4) Copy of the insured's ID card.
    5) Vehicle ignition key (including spare key).5) Vehicle ignition key (including spare key).
    6) Claim form (available at the Insurance Company Office or Insurance Company's partner workshop).6) Claim form (available at the Insurance Company Office or Insurance Company's partner workshop).
    7) Police Report Letter at the scene (in the incident area).7) Police Report Letter at the scene (in the incident area).
    8) Other additional documents as needed according to the Insurance Company's provisions if involving third parties (TPL).8) Certificate of Loss issued by the Police.
     9) STNK and Vehicle Registration Certificate (BPKB) Blocking Letter.
Life Insurance

The benefit of insurance for customers is as a form of anticipation so that the bereaved family still receives financial support. Because the death of a breadwinner results in the family relying on them losing income and experiencing economic difficulties.

Life insurance / Credit Life 
is a type of insurance coverage that provides life insurance protection related to financing from BNI Finance.

Guaranteeing the insured's financial loss due to the failure to pay users of funds due to the user's death due to an Accident, Normal Death, or illness.

Life Insurance Claims
Beneficiaries must submit a claim no later than 60 (sixty) calendar days after the loss/debtor's death.

Life Insurance Claim Exclusions
This coverage does not apply to events directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from: 

  • Intentional self-inflicted injury and/or suicide or actions towards it, whether maliciously intended or not, whether conscious/sane or unconscious/insane.

  • Intentionally committing or participating in a crime, violation, fight, riot or similar events.

  • Death penalty based on a court decision.

  • The presence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the Borrower's body.

  • The borrower under the influence or involved in the abuse of narcotics, psychotropic drugs, poisons, gases or similar substances, or the influence of alcohol. 

Life Insurance Claim Documents
  • The Beneficiary fills out the original claim form completely and correctly, attaching the required documents: 

    1. Identification Card.

    2. Loss Incident Report. 

    3. Loan Value Data. 

    4. Medical Records/Diagnosis Notes and Original Hospital Receipts.

  • Police and Sub-district Office Certificate for death due to Accident. 

  • Death Certificate issued by the Hospital, relevant Government Agency (original/legalized by the authorized party). 

  • In the event of death due to an accident, the following matters will be of concer: 

    • Police Report Letter (original).

    • Place, date, and time of the accident/incident.

    • Causes of the accident or incident.

    • Related or associated with the accident mentioned.

    • Other documents deemed necessary by the Insurance Company.  

  • BNIF will inform the Insured in case the claim is approved/rejected.